2025 7th International Conference on Civil Architecture and Urban Engineering (ICCAUE 2025)
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2023 5th International Conference on Civil Architecture and Urban Engineering in 2023 (ICCAUE 2023) Successfully Held Online

2023 5th International Conference on Civil Architecture and Urban Engineering (ICCAUE 2023), hosted by Tianjin University and Tianjin Port Engineering Research Institute of China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), and held jointly by AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin University of Technology, and Xi'an University of Technology, has been successfully held online on November 18th, 2023.

Experts and scientific researchers from Tianjin University, University of Macau, Beijing University of Technology, Southeast University, Southwest Jiaotong University, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Tianjin Port Engineering Research Institute of CCCC, Tianjin Water Transport Engineering Society, enterprises and research institutes from across the globe have been present in this conference. The livestreamed conference has drawn an audience of over 1000. 


Opening Speech

Mr. Aimin Liu, Chief Engineer of Tianjin Port Engineering Research Institute of CCCC, has delivered the opening speech. 


Reports by keynote speakers 

In the conference, Prof. Jinfang Hou from Tianjin Water Transport Engineering Society (represented by Mr. Peng Ju from No. 2 Engineering Company Ltd. of CCCC First Harbor Engineering Company), Prof. YUEN Ka Veng from University of Macau, Assoc. Prof. Bin Hu from Beijing University of Technology, and Mr. Chao Liang from Tianjin University have delivered fascinating speeches on topics including urban management and tunnel engineering, offshore platform construction, disaster reduction management, metro station construction in core functional regions and beyond. Experts present in the conference have exchanged views on the research advancements and practical experience in the industry, and shared with each other insights into the development t trend and future of the industry. 

Oral Presentations

Authors from Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Southeast University, Xinjiang University, Nanjing Tech University, Shandong University of Science and Technology, CCTEG Beijing China Coal Mine Engineering have made oral reports in the conference. 


Besides the reports and speeches, the conference has also organized a poster session, in which eight posters for articles published in the conference were exhibited. 

The ICCAUE 2023 provides a channel for experts, engineers, and researchers in the domains of transportation, civil engineering and construction to share the latest research results and cutting-edge technologies, broaden their professional vision, discuss the development trend and future of civil engineering, architecture, urban planning and engineering, and explore new research directions and solutions. 

We look forward to the next session of ICCAUE, where we can have more heated and valuable discussions to contribute to the long-term development of civil architecture and urban engineering. 

2023年11月18日,由天津大学和中交天津港湾工程研究院有限公司联合主办,AEIC学术交流中心承办,天津城建大学、天津理工大学、西安理工大学联合协办的第五届土木建筑与城市工程国际学术会议(ICCAUE 2023)成功召开线上会议。


大会由中交天津港湾工程研究院有限公司总工程师刘爱民教授作开幕式致辞。天津市水运工程学会侯晋芳教授(中交一航局第二工程有限公司 鞠鹏工程师代)、澳门大学阮家荣教授、北京工业大学胡斌副教授、天津大学梁超讲师围绕城管睿道工程、海洋平台、减灾管理及功能核心区地铁站等方面做了精彩的报告。与会专家深入交流了行业发展的最新研究成果和先进经验,分享了对行业发展趋势和研发方向的独到见解。


本次第五届土木建筑与城市工程国际学术会议(ICCAUE 2023)为从事交通运输与土木建筑等领域的专家学者、工程技术人员、研发人员提供了一个共享科研成果和前沿技术的平台,进一步提升了行业认知,开阔了视野,明晰了土木建筑、城市规划及施工工程的现状、发展方向与未来科研路径,为相关学科发展提供了新思路和新动力!

